SOUGOU Pascal Emery

SOUGOU Pascal Emery

Intensive care unit HIAOBO Libreville. GABON


SOUGOU Pascal Emery is a doctor Lieutenant-Colonel of the gabonese military health service. He obtained a doctorate in medecine at the faculty of medecine of the university Omar Bongo in Libreville, and specialist in anesthesia and rescucitation obtained at the faculty of medicine of the university Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar. He was the second chief of intensive care unit at the Army Training Hospital Omar BONGO ONDIMBA. Dr SOUGOU is now the Chief of emergency at the Army Training Hospital of Akanda in Libreville and Chief medical officer of Mobile Emergency and Rescucitation Service of Army (SMURA)


The traumatic wounds of inferior vena cava are relatively rare and are at the origin of a high morbidity-mortality. Diagnosis is often difficult hence the interest of imaging.

We report an observation of a patient suffering from a trauma penetrating the abdomen caused a wound of inferior vena cava.

Admitted in shock, persistent despite initial resuscitation, he benefits from a first laparotomy explorer without initial radiological exploration due to this hemodynamic instability. It is highlighted a retroperitoneal hematoma that is respected.

However, the persistense of this state of shock, motivates the realisation of an abdominal scanner that objective an acute hematoma covering the Inferior Vena Cava to the convergence of the primitive iliac veins.

Stabilization will only occur after secondary reintervention which will allow the repair of the inferior vena cava wound by simple phleborraphie.

The evolution was favorable after 17 days in intensive care.